Friday, November 8, 2013


How overflows!, what an overflow in heart
causes this joy unexpectedly coming,
apparently not dependent on anything,
arising from the depths without a motive
as is not associated with things outside;
an attribute of Being in pure essence:
joy and happiness have presently opened
—not knowing reasons— here and now the channel.

Reasons required?; today is like another,
can`t be mentioned anything remarkable
except this joy that has suddenly flooded
and stays —for the time being— untouched.

I do my usual things, the daily errands,
I telephone, variety of commitments,
attend some business, then going to the bank…
and from behind is always the joy flowing.

I will say something about: is our heritage
present throughout, in everything a background;
there in the depths, enclosed in the chest area
an everlasting sun of love is burning.

From there it keeps radiating inexhaustible
its essence as a flower-like aroma
that is sheer life expressing in each being
in both the interior and in the external dealings.

We can access it, but that can be just only
when the mind takes away all the barriers
that as a sluice prevents the flux break freely
shelfishly choosing to force the circumstances;

usually we block ourselves preferring
our fixed ideas in order to construct
our own puppet mask that can occult us
with whom we confuse, allways defending;

and thus the live appears ossified
smelling musty, enchained to the memory,
a slave of past and future on projections 
to compensate for our own shortcomings.

Life becomes wholly and meanigful and sacred
and is lived in an extraordinary manner
if out of the way we take our self-concept
serving only as an instrument, acknowledging.

Allow all doing to the High Intelligence
Maximum Love and Utmost Power;
and be just only the vase containing
the fuel that flows outward slowly
and thus keeps feeding the oil to the flame shining.

© albertotrocóniz / 13

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