When the time comes when you're tired
of the trivialities and nonsense of this world,
nothing will satisfy you: neither things nor people
or circumstances that never give the eternal ...
maybe you will go per thousand roads to find:
rehearsing, testing, and dissatisfied;
this is not ... this is not ..., will be the ascesis
until you arrive to your personal concept:
to the idea that you have of yourself,
that in the end are just thoughts
throughout your live constructing
a fake structure of illusory deceptions.
There is no choice, the ego must be killed;
a painful process, because it does resist
to cast off the long-acquired status
and to abandon all of its privileges.
And then it comes a dark night for your soul
since it is going to be a very tough test:
is the starving to death of all the stimuli
of the rewards, your own blackmail, your thoughts ...
On the other hand the new is just expectant
but the darkness for now hides the overview
because the sun has not yet in the day breaked
although a light is sensed that awaits.
Meditation is the only consolation:
dwelling in me, going to the deep self
and very attentive to that intuition
of something different still not manifest.
Here is the "road map" for this journey
according to the tips of a great master
(Antonio Blay * who showed me the way
back to the Real returning from my dreams).
Make the silence of the body and mind
watching the breath, and how it does take place
in your body, how enters, then stops
and leaves you again to start over anew.
See who it is behind this force
soft -though unstoppable- that floods
in repeated cycles, but do not pretend
to handle it but only there observe.
Take advantage of phase in which exhales
to release any tension in your muscles
by ordering to the various parts
to leave the stress in which they are maintained.
After you have laid back the body
go furthermore to look at the mind
contemplating every thought arising:
how they come, then vanish afterwards...
Ask yourself who is that this observes;
behind all objects the final Subject is,
all depends on him but never is affected;
that's you, the witness in Silence.
Direct your attention to that force
of breath that you are feeling from behind
in lumbar region, you will see the stream
having an origin an it is in a point;
stay there in quietness for a while;
see life pulsating who keeps holding you
in rhythm of an unstoppable force
impersonal, but yours at the same time ...
and you will see that behind every beach,
in those waves that inundate of energy,
there is the power of fabulous ocean
and is a center embedded in Silence.
I Am, I Am, I Am all Energy
that potentially reaches the infinite
although I can express just only a part:
precisely that that I have exercised.
Turn your attention for a time thereafter
to the chest region, imagine and pretend
that in front of you are people that you love
to which you demonstrate a warm affection ...
You will see a beam pouring from a center
which expands to the front in a fan shape
in pure bliss, in joy and utmost beauty;
is your love focus, and behind ... Silence.
I Am, I Am, I Am Pure Love
in a potential that extends to infinity
although I can only just a part express:
precisely the one already developed.
Now direct your attention to the head
at the plane of the eyes and vision;
imagine that in front you contemplate
a broad and cleared horizon illuminated ...
by bluish light that all encompasses
in panoramic vision widespread
that is pure clarity of understanding
and again, that radiates from one point.
I Am, I Am, I Am the Intelligence
in a potential that reaches the infinite
although a part I can only express:
precisely the one that I have practiced.
I recognize me as the axis connecting
the three foci that I have been examining:
Energy, Love and Intelligence
I feel it here and now and wide awake.
From this notion of being I myself
I am aware of the silence that envelops
and remain attentive void of concepts
in an expectant waiting for the unknown ...
… … …
After meditation, "return into this world"
by forcing a breathe that is somewhat intense
and at the same time moving little by little
fingers, extremities, the shoulders and the neck ...
Do not open your eyes completely yet
but give impetus to cast forward the sight;
realize you are “awakening” your consciousness
from Reality to plunge into this dream
and that there is nothing, nothing absolutely
but the I alone behind the objects ...
© albertotrocóniz / 13
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