Monday, November 25, 2013


In forgetfulness of being I immerse myself
in the tempestuous waters of life
which expands its triumphant powers
in the veils of deceit: the existence.

To be or to exist; behold the arcane dilemma:
either I am without qualities and attributes,
or I get lost in the kaleidoscope
of thousand mutant forms and colors

when I confuse my being with the thoughts
who flock unceasingly to the mind
displaying the panoplies of worlds
in play and avatars of existence.

But if the din stops in consciousness
everything becomes zero and fades
and now I am, the potential for all;
no longer there are vessels, water only
without color or shape, in purity at the source.

© albertotrocóniz / 13
Image: Laurence Olivier in his film Hamlet (1948)

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Island of Yap in the Pacific Ocean:
lost among other thousands dispersed
in the archipelago of the Micronesia;
nothing is there; well yes, there is the sky,
the jungle, the sea (is full of stingrays)
their livelihood consists in fishing them;
is a brave people of daring navigators
in small canoes made of rushes tied
and they orient according to the stars.

They greatly value their ancient traditions
-we will see its economic importance-
that are transmitted across generations
by shamans whose only mission is
to keep always alive a "sacred flame"
taking care of the myths not to forget
repeating telling to everyone this rare story:

Some centuries ago a yapense chief
decided why not becoming rich?,
but there was nothing there to that effect
-I mean apart from what has been said-
that being so common they did not appreciate.

He was told that on a remote island
called "Truk" distant about two weeks
of sailing threatened with a variety of typhoons,
storms and heavy swell lashing the boats
there were enormous stones scattered throughout
of a material that could be easily carved
("aragonite" in geology is called).

And thus risking their lives on various trips
little by little they brought six thousand rocks
(some of them weighted about a couple tons)
carved them out producing circle shapes
and through the center bored an open hole 
so that by introducing there a stick
could be moved around the enormous mass
about the perimeter, as a gigantic wheel.

The task achieved was worthy of the Titans,
so a big value was rightly attached to it,
and the participants in the great enterprise
were granted a cuantity of stones
proportionate in number and in size
according to the merit, thus gaving them
among their people: status, honors,”wealth"
for it was a good so unusual for them
as gold or silver can represent to us.

They were deposited in the jungle banks
allotted each one to its proud owner,
nobody could move them readily around
-were also used to mark the edge of paths-
and so the jungle became a watched over “bank";
with a big plus: not subject to inflation;
as nobody can easily a large stone create
out of the blue as in "bank-money" occurs:
“he who wants fish then risk the bottom wet”;
go and repeat the ancestors so brave feat.

Gradually, over the span of time
such a wealth in the hands of a few
was being distributed: if one married a daughter
that means to give as dowry a large stone,
and with medium one to acquire a hut
paying the "architect" with any there small ...

Now everyone to some extent has some
from the six thousand of the jungle bank;
to give a relative idea in order to compare,
the chief tycoon has twenty of varying size,
what makes him see the future in cheerful mood
if he does not by the way the island quit...

as there is where is solely recognized
that kind of money (otherwise behemoths)
based on a maintained reputation
renewed by shamans conveying the story
of the heroic deeds of the ancient folks
who crossed the sea venturing into the unknown
and thus endowed matter of economic value
morally-based as they risked their lives-
the massive stones are then transformed in totems-
coated of myth and culture that is allways refreshed
as ”yapense values” in all the possible meanings of the term.

I almost forgot: the stones are worth so much
that are not useful to be handled in dealings,
let us say to buy a fish (even when it is a stingray)
nor the firewood for the bonfire to cook;
such trifles are at a different scale
of value in a mind & matter sense
(if the economic from personal derives).

Required for carrying out such tasks
is something that can be used in change
that is lightweight and not a heavy block
fractionable, portable and "cheap";
for such petty details they use the dollars
“scraps of paper" that "Uncle Sam" supports,
but their precious "pietro-dollars" never touch.

© albertotrocóniz / 13
Text from: “AS I SEE IT”
Image: "Yapensa Pensierosa about the Money"

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Saturday, November 16, 2013


I propose a hypothesis to be verified
by scholars and the learned ones
in ocean themes and in island matters:
those of Easter, of Yap and the Marquesas.

Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean
with their strange and much disturbing totems:
that are the "moai”, shapes in stone carved
with the mystery of what could be their origin ...

... and the Island Yap in the Ocean Pacific
distant from the other about three thousand miles;
where its ingenious system of finance
caused sensation throughout French Polynesia;

that they "invented" to create their richness:
massive stones brought from very far away
defying typhoons in canoes rather faint
which gave to the adventure enormous merit

and thus commercial value was derived
-because of the difficulty of getting them-
from that other intangible value​​: bravery
that those sailors exhibited so well.

Is also known that some of these tribes
-inhabitants of the Marquesas Islands-
went to the sea, to the fearful ocean,
only guided by necessity and the stars.

Matches the legend that tells about how clans
rivals for power in the nation of "Heva"
make bloody wars between each other
finally expelling the losers from the land;

those must leave for other territories
of course by sea -no alternative was left-
amidst typhoons, great perils, risks and dangers
beyond the known, to the infinite horizon.

Undoubtedly many of them died in the attempt
after sailing the immensities of waters
(the Pacific Ocean amounts aprox to a third
of the entire surface of our blue Earth planet).

Today there are signs that thousand years ago
a bunch of these brave seafarers
led by a chief (named “Atu Matuna”)
reached "Rapa Nui”, that is the Easter Island.

and thus was brought to that lone territory
some of the goods of their civilization;
valuable things, foremost are to be mentioned:
their blood, sweet potatoes and the currency.

The blood: that now with modern DNA testing
taken from the old ladies and the old men
in both places so distant from each other
their connection convincingly demonstrates.

Sweet potato: a fruit that was indigenous
and it can never (as a coconut would)
float for months, it must be embarked;
reached Easter Island, then later went to America ...

The currency: -and here comes my thesis-
was here also made in the resemblance
of huge yapense stones of happy memory
and of so good result in Micronesia economy.

Are perhaps those so mysterious shapes
called "moai" -huge faces in carved stone
characteristic of the Easter Island-
a mere transcript of their financial values?;

Maybe these people devoid of gold and silver
sought valuable things by other means:
in the rarity and worth of somewhat
difficult to obtain; those "behemoths” perhaps?

… giving them faces, as we do also
in printed banknotes and in minted coins;
so they carved here the volcanic tuff
transporting finally their enormous weights.

There is no doubt, the thing has a great merit,
and it is not within the reach of a nobody
that can easily print hitting a button
(so money inflation therefore is kept away);

if anyone wants fish go and get wet;
reach the volcano and choose some block
of a size according to the greed,
scrub it tastefully and haul it afterwards

for a long way to take it to the "bank"
(here terraced fields facing the ocean);
nobody could make any embezzlement ever
stealing them because of their large weight.

With such a wealth ... if you marry a daughter
give her a dowry with a large sized face,
with a medium one she can acquire a hut
and pay with any small the "architect".

Everyone there to some extent had some
deposited in bank of hundreds in the banks,
which today represents an attraction for tourism,
thus the capital accumulated by the ancestors
leaves substantial revenue as interest today.

© albertotrocóniz / 13
Text from: "AS I SEE IT"

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Time is that elusive delusion
that man tries to measure for his days
fabricating multitude of allegories
the unreal to the useless to connect:

wax candles that irremissibly burn their length,
water clocks weeping their elegies,
curved crystals in mutual courtesies
that gold forever unattainable lend;

fatal cold wheels that insomniac rotate
ferocious mechanisms between their teeth,
atomic quartzs ever vibrating same ...

to alI those devices the gnomon I prefer
that keeps its poise to the varying anger
of changing suns, even when lies there blaze.

© albertotrocóniz / 13
Text from: "POEMS"

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Monday, November 11, 2013


When the time comes when you're tired
of the trivialities and nonsense of this world,
nothing will satisfy you: neither things nor people
or circumstances that never give the eternal ...

maybe you will go per thousand roads to find:
rehearsing, testing, and dissatisfied;
this is not ... this is not ..., will be the ascesis
until you arrive to your personal concept:

to the idea that you have of yourself,
that in the end are just thoughts
throughout your live constructing
a fake structure of illusory deceptions.

There is no choice, the ego must be killed;
a painful process, because it does resist
to cast off the long-acquired status 
and to abandon all of its privileges.

And then it comes a dark night for your soul
since it is going to be a very tough test:
is the starving to death of all the stimuli
of the rewards, your own blackmail, your thoughts ...

On the other hand the new is just expectant
but the darkness for now hides the overview
because the sun has not yet in the day breaked
although a light is sensed that awaits.

Meditation is the only consolation:
dwelling in me, going to the deep self
and very attentive to that intuition
of something different still not manifest.

Here is the "road map" for this journey
according to the tips of a great master
(Antonio Blay * who showed me the way
back to the Real returning from my dreams).

Make the silence of the body and mind
watching the breath, and how it does take place
in your body, how enters, then stops
and leaves you again to start over anew.

See who it is behind this force
soft -though unstoppable- that floods
in repeated cycles, but do not pretend
to handle it but only there observe.

Take advantage of phase in which exhales
to release any tension in your muscles
by ordering to the various parts
to leave the stress in which they are maintained.

After you have laid back the body
go furthermore to look at the mind
contemplating every thought arising:
how they come, then vanish afterwards...

Ask yourself who is that this observes;
behind all objects the final Subject is,
all depends on him but never is affected;
that's you, the witness in Silence.

Direct your attention to that force
of breath that you are feeling from behind
in lumbar region, you will see the stream
having an origin an it is in a point;

stay there in quietness for a while;
see life pulsating who keeps holding you
in rhythm of an unstoppable force
impersonal, but yours at the same time ...

and you will see that behind every beach,
in those waves that inundate of energy,
there is the power of fabulous ocean
and is a center embedded in Silence.

I Am, I Am, I Am all Energy
that potentially reaches the infinite
although I can express just only a part:
precisely that that I have exercised.

Turn your attention for a time thereafter
to the chest region, imagine and pretend
that in front of you are people that you love
to which you demonstrate a warm affection ...

You will see a beam pouring from a center
which expands to the front in a fan shape
in pure bliss, in joy and utmost beauty;
is your love focus, and behind ... Silence.

I Am, I Am, I Am Pure Love
in a potential that extends to infinity
although I can only just a part express:
precisely the one already developed.

Now direct your attention to the head
at the plane of the eyes and vision;
imagine that in front you contemplate
a broad and cleared horizon illuminated ...

by bluish light that all encompasses
in panoramic vision widespread
that is pure clarity of understanding
and again, that radiates from one point.

I Am, I Am, I Am the Intelligence
in a potential that reaches the infinite
although a part I can only express:
precisely the one that I have practiced.

I recognize me as the axis connecting
the three foci that I have been examining:
Energy, Love and Intelligence
I feel it here and now and wide awake.

From this notion of being I myself
I am aware of the silence that envelops
and remain attentive void of concepts
in an expectant waiting for the unknown ...

… … …

After meditation, "return into this world"
by forcing a breathe that is somewhat intense
and at the same time moving little by little
fingers, extremities, the shoulders and the neck ...

Do not open your eyes completely yet
but give impetus to cast forward the sight;
realize you are “awakening” your consciousness
from Reality to plunge into this dream

and that there is nothing, nothing absolutely
but the I alone behind the objects ...


© albertotrocóniz / 13

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Friday, November 8, 2013


How overflows!, what an overflow in heart
causes this joy unexpectedly coming,
apparently not dependent on anything,
arising from the depths without a motive
as is not associated with things outside;
an attribute of Being in pure essence:
joy and happiness have presently opened
—not knowing reasons— here and now the channel.

Reasons required?; today is like another,
can`t be mentioned anything remarkable
except this joy that has suddenly flooded
and stays —for the time being— untouched.

I do my usual things, the daily errands,
I telephone, variety of commitments,
attend some business, then going to the bank…
and from behind is always the joy flowing.

I will say something about: is our heritage
present throughout, in everything a background;
there in the depths, enclosed in the chest area
an everlasting sun of love is burning.

From there it keeps radiating inexhaustible
its essence as a flower-like aroma
that is sheer life expressing in each being
in both the interior and in the external dealings.

We can access it, but that can be just only
when the mind takes away all the barriers
that as a sluice prevents the flux break freely
shelfishly choosing to force the circumstances;

usually we block ourselves preferring
our fixed ideas in order to construct
our own puppet mask that can occult us
with whom we confuse, allways defending;

and thus the live appears ossified
smelling musty, enchained to the memory,
a slave of past and future on projections 
to compensate for our own shortcomings.

Life becomes wholly and meanigful and sacred
and is lived in an extraordinary manner
if out of the way we take our self-concept
serving only as an instrument, acknowledging.

Allow all doing to the High Intelligence
Maximum Love and Utmost Power;
and be just only the vase containing
the fuel that flows outward slowly
and thus keeps feeding the oil to the flame shining.

© albertotrocóniz / 13

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The world is a continuum that is inhabited
by the so-called living beings and other entities;
all is spirit in tuning forks vibrating
in very different frequencies and tones:

if low, as in the stones and all the mineral,
if average as in the plants and animals,
somewhat higher in the actual human,
higher on top at the angelic spheres ...

Everything aims at building such a harmony
as to be a whole and with a clear sense
that can express the triform appearance
of the divine at the root source of all:

Energy, Love, Intelligence at its summun
-name it Trinity if you favor the term-
all seeks a balance in casual deviations
as the Alpha and Omega is just the same.

If let's say there is a bloody crime,
an attack with victims, innocent,
the embezzlement, the black hole caused
seeks for a suture to put the bleed an end,

summon resources from the rest of the body,
spiritual body -"mystical" is the tradition name-
that reacts -on account of being it pure health-
to those ill parts that can cause a gangrene;

sooner or later they will be neutralized
having to purge for their sin and nonsense
in this or in a thousand lives to take up
(the Law of Karma is the zero-sum end).

Back to the attack in the mentioned example:
will we see the revenge of the dead
-that are not such but alive in another realm
leaving this one incomplete and mutilated-

sooner or later having the main responsible
that must here wash all the blood and stains,
submerged in misery and doomed
their broken lives in tatters crashing as well?.

Society also that taken collectively
to evil shows weakness and cowardice
must suffer the purge and condemnation
with an exponent in the physical world:

in economic and in material business,
in the financial and the energy crisis;
don´t be surprised of misery and decay,
is a mere transcript that such moral reflects.

Everything has meaning: Consciousness;
like in our body prompts feeling a pain
to serve as notice so we can attend
and put a remedy that is accurate there,

likewise the psychic and the mental suffering
warns us of something wrong within,
once seen the cause, admit it, and therefor
begin to mobilize the appropriate means.

And so the circumstances suffered
always point to the ultimate root causes:
some deviation from the order determined
that is the health in bodies and in minds.

(What is that health?; it is said: Leave everything
and enter naked of concepts and of things
into the purity of Being -capital letters-
once overcome the selfish egotism).

It is forever true the old adage
-to gain in more awareness an appeal-
"He who does not learn through discernment
will have to do so through suffering and pain"
(that personally, collectively as well).

© albertotrocóniz / 13
Image: "Tuning Forks in Logos" (Yamaha)

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