Wednesday, November 23, 2011


You do not cross the seas, but you do cross the time,
how much more risky that long journey can be!;
the afternoon light is filtered through curtains
and a prodigious ray welcomed on your sails.

Attached to the base, and apparently immobile
dust deposits slowly on top of the old masts,
on the half crumpled ropes, on the yellowed sails,
and on your broken deck unconsciously a fly lands.

The attentive ear listens immersed in golden silence
in darkness of the room, and from the wingback chair,
the roar of time smashing inclemently on the objects
you soar through with secure unmoved course undaunted.

So I had never seen so much a vessel daring
and suddenly I embark on the prodigious tales
of unheard countless days of winds and of bonanzas,
of worries and of joys, arrivals and storms,

of meetings and farewells, of kisses and of tears,
of the clear skies that suddenly become coarse,
of loneliness and laughter, death and abandonment,
of projects and drowned love in the bottoms of seas.

How many sailors seen immersed in the toils
following the pole star that points towards death
helpless rowing and flailing, and floundering then sinking
in the huge surf of hours, in the wild surf of days!.

Everything brought by time, by that stormy sea,
-that relentless deceit, without noticing hardly-
that we are hit in the face and then soaked are left
seeping down into our bones and barely knowing it.

© albertotrocóniz / 02

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Sunday, November 20, 2011


Today we talk politics,
but not the current ones,
we remember the deeds
from many years afar;

Was the eight hundred and fifty-five year,
-Ed had fifteen- when crowned
as son of saxon king
to the East Anglia throne.

Despite his tender youth,
perhaps because of that,
the boy reveals himself
as a sage and wise man.

Ignoring all his flatterers,
the court of sycophants,
and being just and equal
dealing with everyone.

Driven once by the spirit,
attending its demand,
to a tower retired
to worship and to pray.

In solitude learned latin
the entire amount of psalms
by heart often recited
at every occasion had.

Dare anyone to take him
for someone who is faint,
fearful, lazy or a coward
pusillanimous, or "blessed".

Defended with great courage
his kingdom in distress
from many ambitious enemies
that invasions pretended.

In an unequal battle
was captured and jailed;
Danish nobles were angry,
because the guy was fair.

Faced with his refusal 
alive with whips was flayed,
and in the midst of suffering
he invoked the Holy Name,

Was used as a target
to practice with their bows,
with arrows in him nailed
seemed like hedgehog.

After that was beheaded
to distant bush head thrown;
when they went to collect it
it cried the right spot.

This day we worship Edmund,
the holy name that means
"he who protects the property"
and he protects indeed!.

In Edmundsbury Abbey
erected to his cult
until the Reformation
his relics kept for long.

It is good in this age
of cowards and corrupts
to refresh good examples
the saints have left to us.

© albertotrocóniz / 11
Image from Tapestry Depicting St.Edmund

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en el Tablero “TORRE DEL HOMENAJE”:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Afterthought beguiles the person:
bearing our masks we are all doodles
when we identify with them.

Each plays the role to him assigned
and does his task in this world
making possible
God´s show.

It's not wrong being an actor, on the contrary it's fun;
the madness is to take the role for real
(personally and collectively hold).

And which I refer to death is:
abandon everything internally;
the idea of a person is the first.

Thus allowing the great mystery
to fill the available void
being only just mere instruments.

Honing our capabilities
will promote the harmonious sound
for the music SILENCE plays.

© albertotrocóniz / 11

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


26 Oct. 2011 19:56 UT Greenwich

Scorpio New Moon, you still do not light
that for intercourse in this sexy sign
with the Father Sun it is the seed time.
So you virgin were, mother in two weeks,
(and then two weeks more, and old you will be).

The germ in your womb that bears such a fruit
is one that encourages sublunary beings
to act passionate, to incur into excess,
seeking for the extreme, for the absolute thing,
in both what is evil and also what´s good.

Depending on the evolutionary stage
there are three archetypes which reflect
the status and degree of consciousness:
the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix,
and the common factor is this: change,
transmuting, transformation, alchemy;
we all have -in more or less extent-
the lived experience of part of it, or all.

The Scorpion his poison does prepare
and his lethal sting, victims to make;
the selfishness of the ego here prevails
over the others, till a point arrives
when -suicidal- self sticks it to himself
and thus tastes from his own medicine,
which is the lesson to learn up to this point.

As scorpions it may be appropriate
(apart to start a matador career,
Scorpio and Bull are always opposites),
to read a detective novel "serie noir",
or watch a gangster movie (in black and white);
get vaccinated against the flu to come
(no longer please delay it for more time).
We could also enter the operating room
injured by edged weapons or by fire.
And more than anything have sex,
even including perversions into it
(of sado-maso type, to something say),
of course provided is played as a game.

To be like the eagle here is to take flight
to horizons that are a lot more open, clear,
where nothing can escape from the sight near
that falls into the ground up from the sky;
Picasso's eyes (he was a Scorpio-beast),
is an adequate example to illustrate the case;
it is stealing the sacred fire from gods,
bringing it to Earth, it´s Prometheus´s Jobs.

Playing the eagle role at this time means:
to lance the wound as the good surgeon does,
and amputate the limb for body´s sake;
to start a psychoanalysis of dreams
(Sigmund Freud is a "scorpionesque" case);
to investigate the mysteries of life:
what this can be?, and death?, and destiny?,
where do I go? who am I?, where am I from?;
(of course there will never be any response
until we die to concepts that are made
by the both hemispheres left and right
of a brain polar -always comparative-,
that must go up to levels much above
and dualities transcend: of white and black);
and all this connects us with the next round ...

To be a phoenix, that from the ashes rise
from remnants from a past that is combust,
and rediscover the needed soul strength,
which from itself takes always a new breath.

It's time to burn in mysticism aflame,
rereading Saint John Cross, Santa Theresa,
to meditate on the Apocalypse
(a monastery in Patmos would be fit);
to increase the level of awareness
letting the interior being in silence deep;
target the light that burns us to the end
and become Dove of Spirit Supreme
with whitest feathers which ultimately blaze
into a pure bright tongue of holy fire.

Sun-Moon in Scorpio, that´s the time.

© albertotrocóniz  /  11

Thursday, October 6, 2011


albertotrocóniz / 11
(As the author is not a native English speaker, is happy to receive suggestions for grammar corrections that you can send to my mail: albertotroconiz@mac.comThanks.)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

STEVE JOBS Poem In Memoriam


Thank you my friend for the marvelous devices
that you have brought to this world out of Eden,
where you from the science-tree picked the APPLE
and gave it to us, the wrath of gods not fearing.

Just as Prometheus stole fire from Olympus,
and then Jove sent to his chains the infamous eagle
to daily bite him a piece out from his liver
as punishment for promoting mankind wiser,

I thus can see your disease and all the suffering
as a way of paying for all the pain spared*
in daily tasks -into elegance transformed-
and to millions of people the joy given.

Thus I wish you that all such a good karma**
promotes not a next (as NEXT you did already),
life in this world, but one that is much happier
in paradise, amidst extensive orchards
of those -at one of their sides bitten- golden apples.

© albertotrocóniz / 11
from: "TRIBUTE"

* Law of redemption through sacrifice.
**Law of the consequences our actions good and bad, 
so we are reborn in successive lives in order to debug and  to be finally able to unite with the Absolute.
Recall that SJ was, is Buddhist.

(As the author is not a native English speaker, is happy to receive suggestions for grammar corrections that you can send to my mail: albertotroconiz@mac.comThanks.)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Both twin figures are injured by lightning;
their graceful bodies to the slaughter go
from the unpredictable and accurate blow
that brutally severed from it´s stem the rose.

Never will be another May or September
for you the mirrors of those fierce dawnings
of sun upon steel and glazed curtains
that promoted the glance of sidelong glimpses.

To the city boasting of your possession,
world reference and north for human mazes,
you were the needle and gnomon to the bustle,

giving the scale, counting among the amazing
tall buildings till the disgraceful cutting
that your harvest indistinctly mowed.

© albertotrocóniz / 11
from: "TRIBUTE"

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Who will see you, oh mirrors for the lights 
shading the color of twin by-passing hours
on your skins reflecting the suns dancing
under the skies of the fast changing blues.

Twin sister towers peer in disgrace,
how can then fly the indifferent cloudscapes
with the memory of beloved and caresses
that for no more their sweetness is to be.

Today you sink when wounded on the flanks,
torn by the claws of the unexpected beast
that opened such gaps in graceful bodies
and to the bottoms vertically you go.

Dark sea of asphalt is there to welcome you
into rough waves of dust and dark smoke
to swallow in depths the vessels with the lives
that held the thought to be at home that night.

© albertotrocóniz /01
from: "TRIBUTE"

"TORRES GEMELAS" is the original title in Spanish that can be seen at the bottom link
(This is the author´s translation of it, an as I am not a native English speaker, I am happy to receive suggestions for grammar corrections that you can send to my mail. Thanks.)

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